Meet Caden, Brycen, Grayden and Jackson

We participated in Lemonade Day because we wanted to raise money for Loveway and to learn how to run a business. Our stand was located at Sharpline Autos. The recipe we used was Country Time Lemonade and frozen fruit (strawberry, mixed berry, and blueberry). Lemonfury was the name of our lemonade and our slogan was, Bring out the SUPER HERO in you! We had a parent help us build a website to advertise our product and we sent out flyers and used Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
We believe our stand was a success! Our tips,sponsors, and revenue brought in $644.00.We were able to donate 185.75 to Loveway. Together we saved $171.25. Each of us took an amount of money to spend on something special. We did well on gathering the supplies for the day though we bought too much frozen fruit and lemonade, so we will work on making sure we do a better job at figuring out how much we need.
Caden hopes to work on programming robots, Brycen wants to sell posters of football players, Grayden is unsure of what he wants to do at this time, and Jackson hopes to start dog sitting.