McAllen Activities

Keep it safe on Lemonade Day
Temporary Health Guidelines
Be sure to follow the health guidelines below when preparing for Lemonade Day!
The lemonade stand must have a responsible adult to oversee the entire operation.
Lemons should be thoroughly washed before cutting and squeezing.
Prepare your lemonade in a clean kitchen, away from your customers, to avoid contamination.
The water used to make the lemonade should come directly from a tap or bottle. DO NOT use the water from a garden hose or similar.
Ice used for consumption must be from an approved source. Ice shall be held in bags until used and dispensed properly. Use a utensil with a handle such as a tong, scoop, cup, or ladle to dispense ice.
Use good hygiene: don’t drink, blow your nose, touch your hair or face, etc., while working at your lemonade stand. A hair net must be worn if long hair or tucked under a cap.
The booth shall be kept clean during the day’s operation. DO NOT pour water on the ground or into the street or city drains.
Materials used to make the lemonade and all disposable cups should not be stored on the ground.
Money can carry germs, it is best to have a separate person handle the money during your sale.
If you have any symptoms of illness (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.) do not handle food or ice. Stay home!
For further information:
Please call the City of McAllen Health & Code Enforcement Department at 681-1900

Put your stand on the map!
Where will you be on Lemonade Day?
Put your stand on the map so we know where to find you on Lemonade Day!
Check out the map of all of the stand locations!

Entrepreneur of the Year
Online Contest
Participate in this year's Entrepreneur of the Year Contest! After you have completed Lemonade Day, submit your business results and story to be entered into the contest. The winner in McAllen will go on to compete for the National Entrepreneur of the Year award!