
McAllen, TX. – The Monitor has teamed up with Lemonade Day McAllen and will donate free ads to children who participate in Lemonade Day McAllen. Each stand will have the opportunity to promote their Lemonade Day Stand with one free color ad (Size 3.25” x 4”). The ad will be designed by participants and submitted during the last backpack pickup day scheduled for September 9, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The ad could be digital or in paper following guidelines. Participants need to register online in order to secure a backpack and an official location to setup their Lemonade Day Stand. Registration is open, and will close when the registration reaches the maximum capacity of 400 participants.
Lemonade Day McAllen will be on Saturday, September 19, 2015.The event is presented by the McAllen Chamber of Commerce and Clark Chevrolet and sponsored by HEB, IBC Bank, The Monitor, CopyPlus!, Watermill Express, Applebee’s, Telemundo 40,Texas Border Business, Mega Doctor News, El Periodico USA, Limex Sicar, and Valley Business Report
The objective of Lemonade Day is to teach youth how to start and run their own lemonade business. There is no cost to register for Lemonade Day McAllen, but there are some important things to consider before registering: Each participant must be a resident of the City of McAllen; each participant is required to step-up their own lemonade stand in an official location; each participant needs to invest and prepare their own lemonade. Proceeds from the sales of each lemonade stand go to each participant or team; Participants are allowed to organize their own teams to help setup their lemonade stand. All the members of the team must register; and the maximum number of participants is 400.
To register online visit:; to register in person visit the McAllen Chamber of Commerce and request a registration form. If you would like to volunteer or want more information, visit